6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Michael Millar with the persons below:
Pamela Brown
- Deanery of Clinical Sciences - IRR Biomolecular Manager
Person: Non-Academic: Research Active
Andrew Horne
- Deanery of Clinical Sciences - Chair of Gynaecology and Reproductive Sciences
- Centre for Reproductive Health
Person: Academic: Research Active
Philippa Saunders
- Deanery of Clinical Sciences - Personal Chair of Reproductive Steroids
- Centre for Inflammation Research - Professor of Reproductive Steroids & Director of Postgraduate Research for CMVM
- Edinburgh Imaging
Person: Academic: Research Active
Jo Simpson
- Deanery of Clinical Sciences - Mass Spectrometry Specialist
Person: Non-Academic: Research Active