Pankaj Pankaj


Accepting PhD Students

Personal profile


Professor Pankaj obtained his undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, masters from Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee and PhD from University of Wales Swansea. He is the Deputy Head of the Institute for Bioengineering at Edinburgh University. He established and leads the Edinburgh Computational Biomechanics research group. He has research collaborations with universities around the globe and his research has been supported by international organisations, the industry and UK funding councils.

In his role as International Dean for South Asia he provides leadership in the development of a strategy to shape activities, partnerships and priorities to enhance the University’s engagement with the region.

Research supervised by him has received a number of awards:

  • Best PhD thesis in In silico Medicine awarded by Virtual Physiological Human institute (VPHi) (Belgium) to PhD student F. Levrero-Florencio (2018)
  • DePuy Best Medical Engineering PhD, runners-up prize awarded by Institution of Mechanical Engineers (UK) to PhD student F. Levrero-Florencio (2018).
  • British Orthopaedic Research Society's International Travelling Research Fellowship for Young Investigators awarded to Alisdair MacLeod for his PhD research (2016).
  • Best presentation award from the Scottish Committee for Orthopaedics and Trauma at their annual meeting to MD student C Scott (2015).
  • British Orthopaedic Association's Hip and Knee Reconstruction Fellowship awarded to MD student C Scott (2015).
  • Best Poster Award at the 2016 British Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, for the study entitled \the changing microarchitecture of trabecular bone with high strain" (authors: Wallace, Manda, Sales, Simpson and Pankaj).
  • IMechE/Vicon prize for the best Medical Engineering Project awarded to MD student C Scott (2013).
  • Best Paper Award at the 2011 International Conference of Systems Biology and Bioengineering for the paper entitled “Computational Modelling of Magnetic Resonance Elastography Shear Wave Behaviour through Atherosclerotic Plaque with Disease Development" (authors: Thomas-Seale, Pankaj, Hoskins and Roberts).
  • Robertson Medal for the best research proposal from Carnegie Trust awarded to PhD student FE Donaldson (2008).
  • IMechE/Orthopaedic Research UK award for the best thesis in Medical Engineering awarded to PhD student ATM Phillips (2007).

Research Interests

My principal expertise has been in the area of nonlinear computational solid mechanics. I have developed new constitutive models and finite element algorithms some of which are now part of finite element textbooks. One of the major successful application areas of my expertise is computational biomechanics. My research is highly interdisciplinary; my group has developed partnerships with clinicians and comprises of research students with backgrounds in physical sciences, engineering and medical sciences.

My group has been extremely successful in exploiting numerical methods and mechanics in the solution of real clinical problems. I continue to contribute to research on numerical simulation of the mechanical behaviour of construction materials at elevated temperatures and structures subjected to dynamic (particularly seismic) forces. My current research interests are: 

  • Micro-mechanics of bone. We aim to develop techniques for prediction of bone mechanical properties from imaging for diagnoses and numerical modelling.
  • Development of models to predict time dependent behaviour of bone
  • Hip and knee joint modelling and evaluation of implant performance
  • Optimising fixation of osteoporotic bone fractures
  • Constitutive models of bone graft which is extensively used in revision surgery
  • Modelling of diseased arteries
  • Nonlinear homogenisation
  • Development of new plasticity models
  • Micro-cracking simulation in porous materials
  • Novel open-source finite element code development for implementation on high performance computer systems

Collaborative Activity

I have developed a number of research collaborations which have all resulted in joint funded projects and/or publications:

Collaborations within the UK:

  • University of Cardiff
  • University of Sheffield
  • University of Manchester
  • Durham University
  • University of Liverpool
  • Heriot-Watt University
  • University of Southampton

International collaborations:

  • University of Melbourne
  • University of Saskatchewan
  • ETH Zurich
  • University of Liege
  • Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg
  • Danish Technical University – Lyngby
  • Indian Institute of Technology – Roorkee
  • Indian Institute of Technology – Delhi
  • Snow and Avalanche Study Establishment – Chandigarh
  • Bhabha Atomic Research Centre – Mumbai
  • Pontif´ıcia Universidade Cat´olica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Research students


  1. Sidra Jamshed
  2. Adib Hamdani
  3. James Farrell (co-supervisor)
  4. Koray Malci (co-supervisor)
  5. Jamie Reid (co-supervisor)
  6. Nimrah Munir (co-supervisor)
  7. Hongning Ye (co-supervisor)
  8. Alexander Sturtivant (co-supervisor)
  9. Samantha Downie (co-supervisor)


  1. Zhujun Zhang (PhD, 2019, Principal Supervisor): Fire Engineer, AECOM, Edinburgh.
  2. Jiayu Hu (PhD, 2019, Co-supervisor): Design Engineer, Mott MacDonald, London.
  3. Shuqiao Xie (PhD, 2018, Principal Supervisor): Post-doctoral Research Associate, The University of Edinburgh.
  4. Fahad Gulib (PhD, 2018, Co-supervisor): Engineer, WorleyParsons, Aberdeen.
  5. Francesc Levrero Florencio (PhD, 2017, Principal Supervisor): Finite Element Software Developer for High Performance Computing Platforms, OnScale, Glasgow.
  6. Lyam Hollis (PhD, 2016, Co-supervisor)
  7. Chloe Scott (MD, 2016, Principal Supervisor): Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, NHS Lothian.
  8. Lauren Thomas-Seale (PhD, 2015, Co-supervisor): Lecturer, University of Birmingham.
  9. Jerome Goffin  (PhD, 2015, Principal Supervisor)
  10. Paul Jenkins (MD, 2015, Co-supervisor): Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Glasgow Royal Infirmary.
  11. Feng-Chen An (PhD, 2015, Principal Supervisor): Lecturer, China University of Petroleum.
  12. Jian Zhang (PhD, 2014, Co-supervisor): PAW Structures Ltd.
  13. Alisdair MacLeod (PhD, 2014, Principal Supervisor): Post-doctoral Research Fellow, University of Bath.
  14. Noel Conlisk  (PhD, 2013, Principal Supervisor): Research Associate, The University of Edinburgh.
  15. Panagiotis Kotsovinos (PhD, 2013, Co-supervisor)
  16. Robert Wallace (PhD, 2012, Co-supervisor): Post-doctoral Research Fellow, The University of Edinburgh.
  17. Adam Ervine (PhD, 2012, Co-supervisor): Associate, Fire Engineer at WSP, Brisbane, Australia.
  18. Joanne Knox (PhD, 2012, Principal Supervisor): Senior Fire Engineer at AECOM, United Arab Emirates.
  19. Finn Donaldson (PhD, 2011, Principal Supervisor): Senior Staff Fellow – Biomedical Engineer, US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Silver Spring, Maryland, USA.
  20. Jesus Chavez-Sagarnaga (PhD, 2005, Principal Supervisor): Senior Project Engineer, Jenike and Johanson, Boston, USA.
  21. Andrew Phillips (PhD, 2005, Principal Supervisor): Senior Lecturer, Imperial College London.
  22. Ermiao Lin (MSc, 2003, Principal Supervisor)
  23. Aikaterini Mania (MSc, 2002, Principal Supervisor)
  24. Mohammed Arif (PhD, 1998, Principal Supervisor): Professor and Head of Civil Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India.
  25. Khalid Moin (PhD, 1997, Principal Supervisor): Professor of Civil Engineering and former Dean Faculty of Engineering and, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi, India.

Administrative Roles

  • International Dean for South Asia for The University of Edinburgh
  • Deputy Head of the Institute for Bioengineering, School of Engineering, The University of Edinburgh


Education/Academic qualification

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Finite Element Analysis in Strain Softening and Localisation Problems, University of Wales

Award Date: 1 Jan 1990


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