6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Sarah Cunningham-Burley with the persons below:
Aileen Neilson
- Deanery of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences - Senior Health Economist
- Usher Institute - Senior Health Economist
- Edinburgh Clinical Trials Unit - Senior Health Economist
Person: Academic: Research Active
Kay Tisdall
- Moray House School of Education and Sport - Chair of Childhood Policy
- Institute for Education, Community & Society
- Global Justice Academy
Person: Academic: Research Active
Marlene Stewart
- Deanery of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences - Managing Editor
- Usher Institute - Managing Editor
Person: Academic: Research Active (Research Assistant)
Fiona Strachan
- Deanery of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences - IHDP Chief Operating Officer
Person: Academic: Research Active