Personal profile

Research Interests

The understanding and assessment of the functions of the frontal lobes in patients with focal lesions or dementia, as well as healthy adult aging

Research Groups


Research Leave 2015-2016


1998-2001 PhD, University of Aberdeen

1994-1998 First Class Degree MA (Hons) Psychology, University of Aberdeen


Administrative Roles


Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences Undergraduate Director of Teaching

Convenor: School Undergraduate Studies Committee (SUGSC)

Committee Member: School Management Committee (SMC)

Committee Member: College Undergraduate Learning and Teaching Committee (CUGLAT)

Committee Member: Department of Psychology Athena Swan Self-Assessment team

External Committee member: School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures (LLC) Board of Studies

Programme Reviewer: MSc in Performance Psychology, Moray House School of Education

Psychology Undergraduate Board of Examiners Convenor

Volunteer Research Assistant Programme Coordinator

Programme Director: MSc in Human Cognitive Neuropsychology (sabbatical cover Semester 2)

Committee Member: School Postgraduate Group

Committee Member: Psychology Teaching Committee

Committee Member: Staff Student Liaison Committee

Course Organiser: Psychology (year 2)

Course Organiser: Psychology Group Projects (year 3)

Module Organiser: Biological Psychology (year 3)


2012-present - Treasurer and Committee member for British Neuropsychological society

2006-present - Action Editor and Member of the Editorial board (cortex)

2011-2012 - Member of Editorial Board (Journal of Alzheimer's Disease)

2008 - Chair of Organising Committee for the 1st Meeting of the Federation of the European Societies of Neuropsychology 2008 (550 delegates)

Membership of Professional Organisations:

British Neuropsychology Society (BNS)

British Psychological Society (BPS)

Cognitive Section of the British Psychological Society (BPS)

Division of Neuropsychology (BPS)

Register of Chartered Psychologists

International Neuropsychological Society (INS)

Experimental Psychology Society (EPS)

Visiting and Research Positions

2015-Present - University Associate, School of Psychology, Politics and Sociology, Canterbury Christ Church University

2014- Present - Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology, University of Edinburgh

2006-2014 - Lecturer, Department of Psychology, University of Edinburgh

Maternity Leave - February 2010 to January 2011 and August 2011 to July 2012

2003-2006 - Research Fellow, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, Department of Psychology, University College London

2011-2003 - Research Fellow, Department of Psychology, University of Aberdeen

Education/Academic qualification

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Age, emotion and social-decision making: a dorsolateral prefrontal theory of cognitive ageing, Robert Gordon University

Award Date: 1 Jan 2001

Master of Arts, Robert Gordon University

Award Date: 1 Jan 1998

External positions

University Associate, Christ Church Canterbury University

2015 → …


  • BF Psychology
  • Frontal lobes
  • Executive function
  • Memory
  • Social processing
  • Ageing


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