7 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Vahid Aslanzadeh with the persons below:
David Barrass
- School of Biological Sciences - Technology -Enhanced Learning Specialist
Person: Academic: Research Active (Research Assistant)
Chris Sibley
- School of Biological Sciences - Sir Henry Dale Fellow
- Edinburgh Neuroscience
Person: Academic: Research Active
Kashyap Chhatbar
- School of Biological Sciences - Bioinformatics Researcher
Person: Academic: Research Active (Research Assistant)
Justyna Cholewa-Waclaw
- Deanery of Clinical Sciences - IRR High Content Screening Manager
Person: Academic: Research Active (Research Assistant)
Ralph Hector
- Deanery of Biomedical Sciences - Senior Research Fellow
- Edinburgh Neuroscience
Person: Academic: Research Active (Research Assistant)
Owen Dando
- Deanery of Biomedical Sciences - Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Bioinformatician)
- Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences
- Edinburgh Neuroscience
Person: Academic: Research Active
David Tollervey
- School of Biological Sciences - Professor of RNA Biology
- Centre for Engineering Biology
Person: Academic: Research Active