Frederick Palmer Prize

  • Charlier, Marion (Recipient), Gamba, Antonio (Recipient), Dai, Xu (Recipient), Welch, Stephen (Recipient), Vassart, Olivier (Recipient) & Franssen, Jean-Marc (Recipient)

Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)


Institution of Civil Engineers annual Publishing Awards, best paper for 2022, paper title: "Modelling the influence of steel structure compartment geometry on travelling fires", published in Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers -
Structures and Buildings; ISSN 0965-0911 | E-ISSN 1751-7702; Volume 174 Issue 9, September, 2021, pp. 739-748; Themed issue on ‘Structural design for fire safety’
Degree of recognitionNational
Granting OrganisationsThe Institution of Civil Engineers
