A Meeting of Minds: Exploring Scotland’s Creative Industries Research

  • Gilmore, Charlotte (Principal Investigator)
  • Bernal Valencia, Marta (Researcher)

Project Details


Creative Scotland are seeking to engage with the academic community throughout Scotland. As a part of this engagement the University of Edinburgh Business School and Creative Scotland are planning to co-host a workshop with the aim of engaging in a dialogue with SHEI around Scotland’s extant creative industries research, with the view to identifying areas of ongoing academic-policy dialogue, future research and research relationships. This event and the dialogue which it generates and engages with will be continued as a part of a series of academic-practitioner events, with the aim of engaging in a dialogue which can then inform an interdisciplinary disciplinary action plan, for innovation support and research for sustainable creative businesses.
Effective start/end date1/06/1730/06/17


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