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Zur Dynamik prähistorischer Architektur: Neue Konzepte zum Hausbau im Nordwesten Europas in der Bronze- und Eisenzeit
Tanja Romankiewicz (Invited speaker)
23 Apr 2019Activity: Academic talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Zur Dynamik in prähistorischer Architektur. Hausbau von Wessex zu den Western Isles, von Friesland nach Fünen
Tanja Romankiewicz (Invited speaker)
13 Jun 2018Activity: Academic talk or presentation types › Invited talk
"Dynamic prehistoric architecture? A view from Scotland on materials, methods and mobility"
Tanja Romankiewicz (Invited speaker)
18 Jan 2017Activity: Academic talk or presentation types › Invited talk
“Dynamic prehistoric lives: Towards new concepts of prehistoric architecture and settlement mobility in northern Europe”
Tanja Romankiewicz (Invited speaker)
18 Jan 2017Activity: Academic talk or presentation types › Invited talk