Bystanders, Residents, Operators and WorkerS Exposure for Plant Protection Products

Project Details


The BROWSE project is supported by the EU 7th Framework Programme and will:
• Review, improve and extend the models currently used in the risk assessment of plant protection products (PPPs) to evaluate the exposure of operators, workers, residents and bystanders.
• Use the new and improved exposure models to contribute to the implementation of Regulation 1107/2009 on authorisation of PPPs, replacing Directive 91/414/EC.
• Use the new and improved exposure models to contribute to the implementation of the Thematic Strategy on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides.
• Involve all relevant stakeholders and end-users and take full account of relevant gender issues in developing the exposure models and policy tools.

The workplan is aligned with these key objectives. In addition, several key cross-cutting themes are established to ensure their consistent and integrated treatment throughout the project. These are:
•Exposure scenarios
•Transfer coefficients
•Statistical modelling and calibration
•Data management

Key stakeholder groups will be represented on the project Advisory Panel as well as participating directly via consultations and workshops, and in surveys to obtain new data on practices and sociobehavioural and gender factors influencing exposure.

Models for key exposure scenarios covering different regions of the EU will be developed in order of priority based on consultation with stakeholders, implemented as user-friendly software, and tested with end-users.

Project outputs will be delivered through established networks with end-users in EU and national authorities, national training organisations, the pesticide industry, and relevant trade unions and NGOs.
Effective start/end date1/01/117/11/14


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