Conserving West African Modernism Project

  • Uduku, Ola (Principal Investigator)

Project Details


Çollaborative project with School of architecture at KNUST Ghana to conserve extant media and bulidings of the modernist period on the KNUST campus through a series of conservation lectures, proposed architectural history collaborations, and support for KNUST to apply for Docomomo membership

Layman's description

Awareness raising of KNUST's modernist campus and supporting of Ghana's application to become a member of Docomomo - the international organisation concerned with raising awareness of modernist heritage and landscape

Key findings

There is a latent public interest in Ghana's post WW2 modernist architectural history, which showed in the initial workshop programme and plans to help with the support and capacity building in modern African architectural history, and building conservation teaching at KNUST
AcronymWest AFrican Modernism
Effective start/end date10/07/15 → …


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