In April 2011, EPSRC started to share information on how it planned to manage its existing portfolio and future investments to meet the goals set out in its delivery plan for the period 2011 to 2015. As EPSRC makes the majority of its investments in the UK university sector, it offered a second tranche of sponsorship in 2012 to selected universities to support its delivery plan and to aid the development of its current research and training portfolio in line with its strategic and delivery plan goals.
The second tranche of institutional sponsorship awarded to the University of Edinburgh was for the period from the 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013 to address the following activities:
1. Delivering Impact: Sponsoring Pathways to Impact
2. Developing Leaders: Widening the Pool of Research Experience
3. Shaping Capability: Bridging the Gaps
4. Efficiency and Effectiveness: Promoting Sharing of Research Equipment