EUCITAC: access to citizenship

Project Details


The general objects of EUCITAC are to:
- promote mutual learning in the area of citizenship policies;
- identify best practices and new policy trends, both at the EU and MS level;
- gather and propose new tools and data bases for comparative research;
- facilitate dissemination and discussion of new findings on the issue through citizenship news and fora;
- integrate already existing material on EU 15 members states and compare with new 12 MS, providing thus a renewed transnational dimension to the research which has now become the most comprehensive comparative research base on citizenship in Europe.

Key findings

These objectives have been achieved by establishing a website on citizenship in Europe. Visibility of this website was enhanced by embedding it in a broader observatory based at the Robert Schuman Centre of the European University Institute. This European Democracy Observatory (EUDO) consists of four thematic observatories. EUDO CITIZENSHIP is one of these. The main goal of the EUCITAC project was to build the EUDO CITIZENSHIP observatory and to disseminate its results. Apart from funding through the EUCITAC project, EUDO CITIZENSHIP has also received co-financing from the British Academy Project CITMODES (Citizenship in Modern European States) co-directed by Jo Shaw and Rainer Bauböck, and from general funding for the EUDO platform by the Research Council of the European University Institute. A major contribution came from the CITSEE project (Citizenship Policies in the Yugoslav Successor States) financed by an ERC Advanced Researchers grant for EUCITAC co-director Jo Shaw (ERC Grant 230239). The CITSEE project has permitted a geographic enlargement of EUCITAC so that now all countries of the Western Balkans are covered by country reports and contributions to our databases.
Effective start/end date31/12/0830/06/10


  • EU government bodies: £91,729.00


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