Examination of the impact of social media salience on service workers

Project Details


Social media has been found to have many effects for consumers, employees and firms. Largely this body of research investigates actions by different stakeholders directly engaging these technologies (e.g. Posting ads, posting reviews, networking in the work place) and the resulting impact on KPIs. However, social media may arguably be having a more profound effect for firms. A recently published study by the PI of the present proposal that examined the ‘chilling effect of social media’ (Marder et al., 2016), found that general users of Facebook controlled their behavior offline in the fear that information would be captured and presented online and subject to repercussions from their online network. In essence, the saliency of social media ‘chilled behavior’. For example, participants were found to not smoke at parties, and avoid close proximity to attractive alternatives to their partner. This paper was the first to make the connection that the mere thought of social media has an impact on our behavior in ‘reality’ andthis novel contribution led to this paper becoming the most read paper in the world within the disciplines of Psychology, Marketing and Information Systems – in Feb 2017 – according to ResearchGate. The aim of the proposed project is to examine the existence and implications of such a ‘chilling effect’, for customer facing employees and the implications of this for service firms.
Effective start/end date1/04/1831/03/19


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