Guangdong CCS Ready (GDCCSR) project

  • Li, Jia (Co-investigator)
  • Liang, Xi (Co-investigator)
  • li, xiaochun (Co-investigator)
  • Gibbins, Jon (Co-investigator)
  • Reiner, David (Co-investigator)

Project Details


The project is funded by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Australia Global CCS Institute (GCCSI) with a 5 million Yuan grant (equal to £500,000).
 I also initiated the ‘CCS Ready Hub’ Concept through research of stationary emission sources and CO2 storage sites identified in this project
 The project aims to produce the first comprehensive feasibility study on CCS and CCS-Readiness to take place in South China.
 I was also involved in proposing the project, setting up a CCS industry association for the China Low-Carbon Energy Action Network (CLEAN), choosing a suitable site for CCS ready design and communicating between the UK and Chinese partners. More information can be found at the GDCCSR project and CLEAN network websites:

Key findings

‘CCS Ready Hub’ Concept
Effective start/end date1/04/1031/03/13


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