Key factors influencing customers’ online loyalty intentions after experiencing service failure and recovery efforts

  • El-Manstrly, Dahlia (Principal Investigator)

Project Details


The research aims to propose and validate a comprehensive framework that
incorporates key antecedents such as perceived justice after recovery, key mediators (e.g. forgiveness, trust in the online retailer, and emotion), key moderators (e.g. failure type, failure severity, empathy and religious commitment), and key behavioural outcomes (e.g. loyalty intentions toward e-retailer).
More specifically, the project has two central objectives:
1- To identify and understand the key factors influencing customers’ online
loyalty intentions after experiencing service failure and recovery efforts.
2- To propose and test empirically a comprehensive framework that incorporates
the direct and indirect antecedents of online retailing loyalty behaviour after
service failure and recovery.
Effective start/end date1/08/131/07/16


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