Linguistic variation in postcolonial contexts: historical, social and contact linguistic perspectives

  • Posio, Pekka (Principal Investigator)
  • Soler Montes, Carlos (CoPI)
  • Sippola, Eeva (CoPI)
  • Ramsammy, Michael (Co-investigator)
  • Betti, Silvia (Co-investigator)
  • Hüning, Matthias (Co-investigator)
  • Cazorla Vivas, Carmen (Co-investigator)
  • Szmrecsanyi, Benedikt (Co-investigator)
  • Krämer, Philipp (Co-investigator)

Project Details


Una Europa seed funding: The aim of the seed funding initiative is to support the initiation of long-term collaborative activities between the partner universities. The idea is to "plant a seed" that can eventually attract external funding.
The purpose of the project is to bring together researchers working on postcolonial language studies and sociolinguistics in order to produce new insights into linguistic variation and change in postcolonial contexts, promoting new and long-lasting collaboration initiatives that lead to a better understanding of European languages outside Europe. In order to reach these goals, the project will put particular focus on lesser studied contact situations and varieties of European languages, such as the varieties of Spanish spoken in Equatorial Guinea and the Philippines, the Portuguese varieties of Angola and Mozambique, Dutch spoken in the Caribbean region and Surinam, and varieties of English from a global perspective. In addition to providing a venue for researchers focusing on particular languages in the postcolonial context, the project aims to enhance the dialogue between linguists working with different methodological and theoretical frameworks, leading to strong research projects that attract funding from third parties.The initiative asks how postcolonial varieties differ from European varieties and why. From previous comparisons, the effects of areality (e.g. Kortmann 2013) and language contact (Kortmann & Wolk 2012, Perez et al. 2017, Trudgill 2009) have been shown to be relevant for explaining differences, but so far, literature on postcolonial varieties has mostly concentrated on English. A comparative perspective is urgently needed to test if insights gained from English can be generalized to other languages. In addition, different types of colonial expansion and administration, among other sociohistorical factors (e.g. Singler 2008), are pertinent for exploring variation and change in postcolonial settings.
Effective start/end date1/04/2131/12/22


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