Project Details


The ‘Minimally Disruptive Urbanism’ project is coordinated by Professor Chris L. Smith, at the Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning, The University of Sydney, Australia; Professor Suzanne Ewing at the Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, University of Edinburgh, and; Associate Professor Lily Chi at Architecture, Art and Planning (AAP), Cornell University. Funded by UoE/UoSyd Partnership Collaboration Award.

Exchange workshops are planned in Sydney in February-March 2023, Edinburgh in June 2023. Intended outputs include an Edited book, and subsequent large grant applications.

Layman's description

At the turn of this century the Catalan architect and urbanist Manuel de Solà-Morales suggested urban environments benefit from ‘small interventions, which create a ripple, not comprehensive development’. Two decades on, cities now house over half the world’s population and the health of cities has never been more precarious. This project focusses on socially and ecologically strained urban environments, and the capacity for small-scale tactical urban interventions to generate large scale ripples of positive change. The project will document the techniques and technologies that are delivering unobtrusive urban interventions and develop new knowledge about the impact of minimally disruptive urbanism.
Effective start/end date1/10/221/10/23


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  • Minimally Disruptive Urbanism

    Suzanne Ewing (Chair), MIGUEL Paredes Maldonado (Presenter), Sepideh Karami (Contributor), Moa Carlsson (Presenter), Matt Bouamrane (Presenter), Aidan Mosselson (Presenter), Lily Chi (Chair), Jesse LeCavalier (Presenter), Anne Weber (Presenter), Farzin Lotfi-Jam (Presenter), Asya Uzmay (Presenter), Chris L. Smith (Chair), Hannes Frykholm (Presenter), Leigh-Anne Hepburn (Presenter), Matthew Gill (Presenter) & Sophia Maalsen (Presenter)

    22 Jun 202323 Jun 2023

    Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesParticipation in conference