Revisiting Child Protection in Scotland

  • Cree, Viv (Principal Investigator)
  • Clapton, Gary (Co-investigator)
  • Smith, Mark (Co-investigator)
  • Morrison, Fiona (Co-investigator)
  • Marsh, Autumn Ellen Roesch (Co-investigator)

Project Details


An impact project designed to take forward findings from two projects: Changing Culture in LA Child and Family social work and Talking & Listening to Children

Layman's description

The project was designed to both share research findings with, and influence, policy, practice and public opinion in relation to Child and Family social work in Scotland.

Key findings

The greatest demonstrable influence the project had in the immediate term was with the professional social work community, through our seminars, workshops and training resources. We also, however, made a significant contribution to the Scottish government's review of child protection, and played an important role in public engagement around child protection through our press activities, media work and blogs.
Effective start/end date1/06/1631/08/17


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