An anthology graphic novel celebrating 100 years of women's suffrage in the UK with stories of political women from every decade since.
Featuring the work of Sabeena Akhtar and Erin Aniker, Siana Bangura and Letty Wilson, Hannah Berry, Grace Wilson and Jenny Bloomfield, Kathryn Briggs, Hari Conner and Durre Shahwar, Fionnuala Doran, Kirsty Hunter and Heather Palmer, Laura Jones and Jem Milton, Wi Ming Kim and Shazleen Khan, Charlot Kristensen and Nicola Love, & Maria Stoian and Denise Mina.
Published by 404Ink in collaboration with BHP Press.
We Shall Fight Until We Win celebrates the centenary of the first women gaining the right to vote in Great Britain. Charting ten decades of political activism, campaigning and moving forward, this graphic anthology offers an insight into the key moments of iconic political women.