Women in Sound Women on Sound

  • O'Keeffe, Linda (Principal Investigator)
  • Collins, Rebecca (Co-investigator)
  • Doyle, Tony (Project Partner)
  • Nogueira, Isabel (Project Partner)
  • Chester, Diana (Project Partner)

Project Details


• WISWOS identifies the need for action to tackle issues of inequality and gender bias in sound and music technology. Our current project, Research In a Box aims to make pedagogical interventions to bring women and young girls into inclusive learning zones.

• Women in Sound Women on Sound (WISWOS) is an international hub of networks and individuals, including artists, researchers, technologists, musicians, archivists and everything in between, with an interest in sound, technology and education. This network plays a pivotal role in supporting this interventionist activity.

• We have built on the work of others, such as YWSN, SONORA, the publications of leading scholars in the field e.g. Born and Devine. This has allowed us to identify the gaps for our action and practice. We are also influenced by other online organisations such as Women’s Audio Mission.

Key findings

As a result of a series of symposiums, workshops, concerts, exhibitions and residencies since 2015, wiswos has found that there are several factors which shape women's engagement with sound and music technology careers. Some key finding are the dominance of materials used in education which highlight men as key contributors to the field, a lack of women visible in careers related to music technology, and a lack of understanding by teachers, in secondary schools, around equality and diversity in pedagogy. Other factors, such as the link between everyday sounds and perception, have played a strong role in how women think about sound as gendered, which shapes their connection and relation to the soundscape and then to music and sound in the arts.
Effective start/end date17/11/153/01/22


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  • Se eu fosse eu

    O'Keeffe, L. & Nogueira, I., 31 Oct 2018

    Research output: Non-textual formDigital or Visual Products

  • Ciclo Sônicas #5

    Translated title of the contribution: Sonic Cycle #5O'Keeffe, L., Nogueira, I., extinção, E. & Nulo, I., 30 Sept 2018

    Research output: Non-textual formDigital or Visual Products

    Open Access
  • Applying feminist methodologies in the Sonic Arts: The soundwalking as a process

    O'Keeffe, L. & Nogueira, I., 28 Jul 2018, XXVIII Congresso da Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Música . Manaus: ANPPOM, 9 p. (Portal de Congressos da ANPPOM).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • WISWOS Gender Symposium

    Linda O'Keeffe (Advisor), Rebecca Collins (Advisor) & Isabel Nogueira (Advisor)

    5 Sept 20186 Sept 2018

    Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesParticipation in workshop, seminar, course