Project Details


Creative Europe funded artist residency and transmedia exhibition, in which 32 artists were asked to respond to Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex.

Residencies were held in Santiago de Compostela, Angoulême and Limerick.

The international exhibition of alltogether 32 artists from 8 different partner countries premiered in Maribor, Slovenia and was roaming to the project partner’s exhibition grounds in Vilnius (Lithuania), Santiago de Compostela (Spain), Grand Angoulême (France), Rijeka (Croatia), and Limerick (Ireland).

In their work, the artists related to various media, cultural, and generational experiences, asking themselves about the “nature” of the woman, her social embeddedness, about their own history and their future steps.

Layman's description

Creative Europe funded artist residency and transmedia exhibition, in which 32 artists were asked to respond to Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex.
StatusNot started


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  • I̶n̶visible #2: Wom@rts Roaming Exhibition

    Doran, F., Pečar, A., Busto Alvarez, C., Larsen, H., Neeson, L., Castellanos, M., Stonytė, M., Tuomaala, M., Pais, M., Mrša, P., Honan, S., Cadoret, S., Búa, T., Magicdust, A., Hunjak, K., McHugh, M., Mesfioui, M., González, N., Lagartos, R., Kentrić, S., & 13 othersHervouet, S., Vicente, X., Barret, A., Potrat, A., Álvarez Jimenez, F., Blanco, H., Kelley, J., Mendoche, L., Fermín, M., Kostelac, M., Fina, M., Žukauskaitė, N. & Hourant, C., 20 Oct 2021

    Research output: Non-textual formExhibition

  • Empower: Wom@rts Roaming Exhibition

    Doran, F., Fahey, T., Quill, F., Vicente, X., Mesfioui, M., Hervouet, S., Hunjak, K., Magicdust, A., Kentrić, S., McHugh, M., González, N., Lagartos, R., Larsen, H., Tuomaala, M., Cadoret, S., Stonytė, M., Pečar, A., Honan, S., Neeson, L., Mrša, P., & 14 othersBúa, T., Pais, M., Castellanos, M., Busto Alvarez, C., Blanco, H., Álvarez Jimenez, F., Fermín, M., Kelley, J., Barret, A., Potrat, A., Mendoche, L., Kostelac, M., Fina, M. & Žukauskaitė, N., 15 Jul 2021

    Research output: Non-textual formExhibition

  • Wom@rts Exposición: Roaming Exhibition

    Translated title of the contribution: Wom@rts ExhibitionDoran, F., Barrio, A., González, N., Hunjak, K., McHugh, M., Busto Alvarez, C., Castellanos, M., Pais, M., Búa, T., Mrša, P., Neeson, L., Honan, S., Pečar, A., Larsen, H., Stonytė, M., Cadoret, S., Tuomaala, M., Vicente, X., Mesfioui, M., Hervouet, S., & 14 othersLagartos, R., Magicdust, A., Kentrić, S., Blanco, H., Álvarez Jimenez, F., Fermín, M., Kelley, J., Barret, A., Potrat, A., Mendoche, L., Kostelac, M., Fina, M., Žukauskaitė, N. & Kolar Sluga, B., 12 May 2021

    Research output: Non-textual formExhibition