title = "A History of Remissio Mercedis and Related Legal Institutions",
abstract = "This book fills a gap in the scholarly literature on rent abatement due to acts of God [remissio mercedis] in the history of the European ius commune. From its Roman-law origin in agricultural practice of the first century BC, this book argues, contrary to current opinion, that the principle of rent abatement was essentially founded on the bona fides. In developing this argument, the book focuses on the history of rent abatement due to acts of God in the European ius commune and the reception of this principle into contemporary civilian and mixed legal systems.",
keywords = "locatio conductio rei, remissio mercedis, deductio ex mercede, vis maior, rent abatement, remission of rent",
author = "{Du Plessis}, Paul",
year = "2003",
language = "English",
isbn = "9013007562",
publisher = "Sanders Institute/Kluwer",