A loading model for an OWC caisson based upon large-scale measurements

Krisna Pawitan, Aggelos Dimakopoulos, Diego Vicinanza, William Allsop, Thomas Bruce

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Wave energy is one of the most promising marine energy resources in terms of the scale of the resource, but there remains little technology convergence and costs remain at near- prohibitive levels. Of many wave energy converter (WEC) concepts that have been developed over the years, the oscillating water column (OWC) stands out for its simplicity and low maintenance cost. Quite some experience of actual OWC operation has been gained to date from small, stand-alone pilot schemes. One way to reduce costs is the integration of an OWC-WEC into a breakwater, enabling some degree of cost-sharing between energy and harbour or coastal defence functions. A major problem encountered during the design of an OWC-WEC scheme remains the uncertainty in the wave loads, with their critical influence upon capital cost. A model to estimate forces acting on an OWC chamber in a caisson breakwater is proposed in this paper. Horizontal forces on the front (curtain) wall and the rear (in-chamber) wall are predicted. In addition, and unlike a conventional caisson breakwater, vertical forces acting on the caisson chamber ceiling will have considerable effect on sliding and overturning characteristics of the breakwater structure. The proposed model enables the prediction of chamber pressures which in turn influence the chamber vertical force. The new model has been compared with results from large scale physical model measurements from tests carried out in the very large wave channel, GWK, in Hannover (Germany). Forces under both regular and irregular wave conditions were measured. The comparisons show that the model fits well with the test results to the factor of 1 ± 0.2 for the regular wave cases and to the factor of 0.8 ± 0.2 for irregular wave cases. This model will enable the structural design of caisson breakwater-integrated OWCs to be approached with uncertainties reduced to those comparable with conventional caisson design.
Original languageEnglish
JournalCoastal Engineering
Early online date20 Dec 2018
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2019


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