A platform for the graph-based visualisation and analysis of complex data

Thomas C Freeman, Sebastian Horsewell, Anirudh Patir, Josh Harling-Lee, Tim Regan, Barbara Shih, James Prendergast, David A. Hume, Tim Angus

Research output: Working paperPreprint

Abstract / Description of output

Quantitative and qualitative data derived from the analysis of genomes, genes, proteins or metabolites from tissue or cells are currently generated in huge volumes during biomedical research. Graphia is an open-source platform created for the graph-based analysis of such complex data, e.g. transcriptomics, proteomics, genomics data. The software imports data already defined as a network or a similarity matrix and is designed to rapidly visualise very large
graphs in 2D or 3D space, providing a wide range of functionality for graph exploration. An extensive range of analysis algorithms, routines for graph transformation, and options for the visualisation of node and edge attributes are also available. Graphia’s core is extensible through the deployment of plugins, supporting rapid development of additional computational analyses and features necessary for a given analysis task or data source. A plugin for correlation network analysis is distributed with the core application, to support the generation of correlation graphs from any tabular matrix of continuous or discrete values. This provides a powerful analysis solution for the interpretation of high-dimensional data from many sources. Several use cases of Graphia are described, to showcase its wide range of applications. Graphia runs on all major desktop operating systems and is freely available to download from https://graphia.app/.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 3 Sept 2020


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