A priori versus a posteriori in urban conservation teaching

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


For the Urban Conservation course the students undertake a group project during which the challenges of group dynamics can rival the analytical issues in urban conservation. The exercise aims to simulate the situation which occurs in the case of large scale interventions within the historic urban fabric. Political and economic factors will be present and will tend to produce obstacles the mitigation of which depends on the ‘soft skills’ rather than the technical skills of conservation experts.
This paper looks at the effectiveness, impact and pitfalls of various teaching methods, teaching materials and class organisation in the teaching of Urban Conservation as an interdisciplinary subject. The first part is based on observation of successive cohorts of postgraduate students over a period of eight years and the way in which a priori and a posteriori arguments are used or misused by students in analyzing the historic urban fabric. The second part discusses the potential benefits of introducing didactic methods from other disciplines in order to help the students hone their communication and negotiation skills as necessary in order to be successful in this field.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2018
EventProfessionalism in the Built Heritage Sector - Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Duration: 5 Feb 20188 Feb 2018


ConferenceProfessionalism in the Built Heritage Sector
Internet address


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