A solution for intermediate crack-induced debonding in plated beams

V. Narayanamurthy, J.F. Chen, J. Cairns

Research output: Contribution to conferenceOtherpeer-review


Adhesively bonded FRP plate on the tension face of RC beams and slabs increases their flexural strength. The behaviour of the strengthened structure depends on the robustness of the FRP-RC interface bond. Correct modelling of this interface bond behaviour is very important to understand and characterize the common intermediate crack-induced (IC) debonding failure. Existing literature based on simple pull-off test is inadequate to fully analyse this failure due to the differences in the mechanics of failure. This paper considers axial forces, transverse shear forces and bending moments in the adherends of the bonded joint and provides solutions for the different states of the interface experienced using a linearly softening bond-slip model. The inclusion of bending and shear deformations introduces difficulties in relating the applied loading and the interfacial deformation but they are overcome in this study through a section analysis with partial interaction and a closed-form solution is obtained.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages17
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2011


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