A systematic review and meta-analysis of cannabis-based medicines, cannabinoids and endocannabinoid system modulators tested for antinociceptive effects in animal models of injury-related or pathological persistent pain

Nadia Soliman, Simon Haroutounian, Andrea G. Hohmann, Elliot Krane, Jing Liao, Malcolm Macleod, Daniel Segelcke, Christopher Sena, James Thomas, Jan Vollert, Kimberley Wever, Harutyun Alaverdyan, Ahmed Barakat, Tyler Barthlow, Amber L. Harris Bozer, Alexander Davidson, Marta Diaz-delcastillo, Antonina Dolgorukova, Mehnaz I. Ferdousi, Catherine HealySimon Hong, Mary Hopkins, Arul James, Hayley B. Leake, Nathalie M. Malewicz, Michael Mansfield, Amelia K. Mardon, Darragh Mattimoe, Daniel P. Mcloone, Gith Noes-holt, Esther M. Pogatzki-zahn, Emer Power, Bruno Pradier, Eleny Romanos-sirakis, Astra Segelcke, Rafael Vinagre, Julio A. Yanes, Jingwen Zhang, Xue Ying Zhang, David P. Finn, Andrew S.c. Rice

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Original languageEnglish
VolumePublish Ahead of Print
Early online date15 Mar 2021
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 15 Mar 2021

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