Amplitudes on plane waves from ambitwistor strings

Tim Adamo, Eduardo Casali, Lionel Mason, Stefan Nekovar

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Abstract / Description of output

In marked contrast to conventional string theory, ambitwistor strings remain solvable worldsheet theories when coupled to curved background fields. We use this fact to consider the quantization of ambitwistor strings on plane wave metric and plane wave gauge field backgrounds. In each case, the worldsheet model is anomaly free as a consequence of the background satisfying the field equations. We derive vertex operators (in both fixed and descended picture numbers) for gravitons and gluons on these backgrounds from the worldsheet CFT, and study the 3-point functions of these vertex operators on the Riemann sphere. These worldsheet correlation functions reproduce the known results for 3-point scattering amplitudes of gravitons and gluons in gravitational and gauge theoretic plane wave backgrounds, respectively.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages29
Journal Journal of High Energy Physics
Early online date24 Nov 2017
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 24 Nov 2017


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