An alternative gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) RNA splicing product found in cultured GnRH neurons and mouse hypothalamus

Shanjun Zhen, Ian C. Dunn, Susan Wray, Ying Liu, Patrick E. Chappell, Jon E. Levine, Sally Radovick*

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Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is encoded by the proGnRH gene which contains four exons and three introns. In this study, two immortalized GnRH expressing cell lines (Gn11 and NLT) were characterized. The NLT and Gn11 cells, derived from a same brain tumor in a transgenic mouse, display neuronal morphology and neuron-specific markers. However, NLT cells secrete much higher levels of GnRH than Gn11 cells. To delineate the mechanism underlying this difference, reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction and RNase protection assays were performed to examine proGnRH gene expression. While the mature proGnRH mRNA was predominately expressed in NLT cells, Gn11 cells express an abundant short transcript. Sequence analysis revealed that this short transcript contains exons 1, 3, and 4, but not exon 2, which encodes the GnRH decapeptide. RNase protection assays demonstrated that NIT cells express much higher levels of mature proGnRH mRNA than Gn11 cells. The lower level of GnRH secreting capacity in Gn11 cells is due, in part, to decreased expression of mature proGnRH mRNA. When proGnRH gene expression in the mouse brain was examined, the same short splicing variant was observed in the olfactory area and preoptic area-anterior hypothalamus. But the prevalent transcript in these regions was the mature proGnRH mRNA. In contrast, only the mature proGnRH mRNA was found in the caudal hypothalamus. These results suggest that alternative splicing may be one of the mechanisms regulating proGnRH gene expression in the animal brain.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)12620-12625
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Biological Chemistry
Issue number19
Publication statusPublished - 9 May 1997


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