An Efficient Formal Modeling Framework for Hybrid Cloud-Fog Systems

Xiao Chen, Jie Ding, Zhenyu Lu, Tianming Zhan

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Advanced communication technologies (e.g., 5G) probably elicit a complete change of network and its applications. For example, a growing number of services begin shifting from central clouds to vast mobile devices, as the hybrid use of cloud and fog computing technologies can provide enhanced quality of service and efficient utilization of resources. However, to design such complex hybrid cloud-fog (HCF) systems, it remains a challenge to implement time-consuming modeling and inefficient evaluation in its early design stage based on the conventional simulation or practical experimentation. Therefore, how to reduce design cost and improve development efficiency becomes a crucial issue in the process of designing large-scale HCF systems. To address the issue, this paper proposes a novel modeling framework for large-scale HCF systems based on a high-level formal language, i.e. performance evaluation process algebra (PEPA). Toward the key components of an HCF system, the proposed framework includes three crucial model prototypes: compositional architecture model, abstract communication model and scheduling model. Moreover, the scheduling model is designed with a novel smart scheduling scheme that integrates two atomic scheduling algorithms and a decision module to make an efficient algorithm selection. The smart scheduling algorithm can well adapt the HCF systems by yielding stable and fast response to end-users, particularly under dynamical system conditions. Finally, the framework is the first research achieving the full potential of formal methods to implement industry-level modeling and evaluation.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)447-462
JournalIEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 17 Mar 2021


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