An IPA exploration of the experience of limb loss: Patient and prosthetist perspectives

C. Uytman, Chris McVittie, Karen Goodall

Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting abstractpeer-review

Abstract / Description of output

Background: A two part study examining the experience of prosthetists and individuals living with amputation. Themes of shared importance and/or discrepancy are discussed.

Methods: 15 individuals living with amputation and 13 prosthetists were interviewed. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was used to gain a subjective understanding of their experience.

Findings: IPA revealed themes including expectations of life post-amputation, positive rehabilitation, ideal outcome and the patient/professional relationship. Similarities in themes as well as areas in which the 2 groups differ greatly will be discussed.

Discussion: The novel aspect of this study is the introduction of comparing the lived experience of both the patient and the prosthetist. The prosthetist and the healthcare system have the potential to greatly influence the subsequent rehabilitation of individuals. A greater understanding of this influence and of the lived experience of these participants will shed light on this area and allow suggestions for clinical practice to be made.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)345
JournalPsychology & Health
Issue numberSupp. 1
Publication statusPublished - 2012
Event“Resiliance and Health” : 26th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society - Prague, Czech Republic
Duration: 21 Aug 201225 Aug 2012


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