title = "Animals in the Book of Jonah",
abstract = "In the book of Jonah, the storyline is shaped by nonhuman animals. A big fish swallows the prophet, the cattle of Nineveh repent, a worm destroys Jonah{\textquoteright}s shelter, and God shows compassion to livestock. These animals have too often been left out of scholarly analyses, treated as mere object lessons without value in themselves. Those scholars who have attended to them have understood them in different ways. Some have seen them as contributors to the book{\textquoteright}s comedy. More recently, others have explored the book for its ecoconscious and animal-friendly ethic. While there is value in both these approaches, I argue that we must also pay attention to a third dimension: the darker undertones of the book which may be harmful for the animals involved.",
author = "Suzanna Millar",
year = "2024",
language = "English",
series = "Themes and Issues in Biblical Studies",
publisher = "Equinox Publishing",
editor = "Karolien Vermeulen",
booktitle = "Jonah",