Applying a retrofit and low-carbon technology archetype approach to buildings in Scotland

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

Abstract / Description of output

During August, September and November 2023, three workshops were organised to discuss the coordinated delivery of the archetype approach in Scottish domestic, non-domestic and historic buildings. It considered the challenges in the rollout of retrofit energy efficiency interventions and the use of low-carbon heating. A series of case studies and talks discussed issues around energy transmission and distribution, the retrofit skills gap, the importance of data retrieval, testing and existing case studies. Discussions surfaced around
the opportunities of digital tools and monitoring equipment, fabric-first approaches with a technology-balanced approach to achieve a balanced approach of good energy efficiency, low-carbon heat, occupant thermal comfort, and sharing energy between other building types and owners.


WorkshopWorkshop series organised by the School of Engineering and the
Centre for Future Infrastructure, at the University of Edinburgh.
1. Scottish domestic buildings Archetype and low-carbon heating approach on the 23rd of August 2023,
2. Scottish non-domestic buildings Archetype and low-carbon heating approach on the 22nd of September 2023,
3. Scottish conservation and heritage buildings archetype and low-carbon heating approach on the 24th of November 2023.
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom

Keywords / Materials (for Non-textual outputs)

  • net zero carbon buildings
  • heritage conservation
  • Hygrothermal
  • archetypes
  • housing
  • non-domestic buildings
  • retrofit strategy
  • approaches
  • Low carbon construction
  • low carbon technology


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