Are juvenile squid schooling formations hydrodynamically optimal?

Gabriel Weymouth, Francesco Giorgio-Serchi

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract

Abstract / Description of output

Recent studies on the swimming of juvenile oval squid show the development of well-organized schooling formations within the first 6-8 weeks after hatching. Jetting is the primary propulsion mechanism for juvenile squid, and jetting maneuvers produced by volume-change have been show to have enormous hydrodynamic benefits in terms of thrust (260% improvement) and efficiency relative to rigid bodies. This is due to a combination of separation control and recovery of added mass energy. This leads to a simple question: are the oval squid schools hydrodynamically optimal? In other words, are these unsteady hydrodynamic effects enhanced by the presence of other bodies with the same period and phase of motion? In this work, we conduct a simple set of numerical tests on idealized juvenile oval squid to determine the optimal separation distance and schooling arrangement, and compare this to the observed behavior.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2016
EventFluid Dynamics and Collective Behaviour: From Cells to Organisms - Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verita', Via Collina 84, Ascona , Switzerland
Duration: 3 Apr 20167 Apr 2016


ConferenceFluid Dynamics and Collective Behaviour: From Cells to Organisms


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