Articulatory consequences of prediction during comprehension

Eleanor Drake, Sonja Schaeffler, Martin Corley

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


It has been proposed that speech-motor activation observed during comprehension may, in part, reflect involvement of the speech-motor system in
the top-down simulation of upcoming material [14]. In the current study we employed an automated approach to the analysis of ultrasound tongue imaging in order to investigate whether comprehension-elicited effects are observable at an articulatory-output level.
We investigated whether and how lexical predictions affect speech-motor output. Effects were found at a relatively early point during the pre-acoustic phase of articulation, and did not appear to be predicated upon the nature of the phonological-overlap between predicted and named items. In these respects effects related to comprehension-elicited predictions appear to differ in nature from those observed in production and perception experiments.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 18th ICPhS
Place of PublicationGlasgow
PublisherUniversity of Glasgow
ISBN (Electronic)978-0-85261-941-4, 978-0-85261-942-1
Publication statusPublished - 2015

Publication series

NameICPhS Proceedings
PublisherInternational Phonetic Association: London
ISSN (Print)241-0669


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