Asynchronous Transmitter Release from Cholecystokinin-Containing Inhibitory Interneurons Is Widespread and Target-Cell Independent

Michael I Daw, Ludovic Tricoire, Ferenc Erdelyi, Gabor Szabo, Chris J McBain

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Neurotransmitter release at most central synapses is synchronized to the timing of presynaptic action potentials. Here, we show that three classes of depolarization-induced suppression of inhibition-expressing, cholecystokinin (CCK)-containing, hippocampal interneurons show highly asynchronous release in response to trains of action potentials. This asynchrony is correlated to the class of presynaptic interneuron but is unrelated to their postsynaptic cell target. Asynchronous and synchronous release from CCK-containing interneurons show a slightly different calcium dependence, such that the proportion of asynchronous release increases with external calcium concentration, possibly suggesting that the modes of release are mediated by different calcium sensors. Asynchronous IPSCs include very large (up to 500 pA/7nS) amplitude events, which persist in low extracellular calcium and strontium, showing that they result from quantal transmitter release at single release sites. Finally, we show that asynchronous release is prominent in response to trains of presynaptic spikes that mimic natural activity of CCK-containing interneurons. That asynchronous release from CCK-containing interneurons is a widespread phenomenon indicates a fundamental role for these cells within the hippocampal network that is distinct from the phasic inhibition provided by parvalbumin-containing interneurons.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)11112-11122
Number of pages11
JournalThe Journal of Neuroscience
Issue number36
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2009


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