Atmospheric turbulence observed during a fuel-bed-scale low-intensity surface fire

Joseph Seitz, Shiyuan Zhong*, Joseph J. Charney, Warren E. Heilman, Kenneth L. Clark, Xindi Bian, Nicholas S. Skowronski, Michael R. Gallagher, Matthew Patterson, Jason Cole, Michael T. Kiefer, Rory Hadden, Eric Mueller

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Abstract / Description of output

The ambient atmospheric environment affects the growth and spread of wildland fires, whereas heat and moisture released from the fires and the reduction of the surface drag in the burned areas can significantly alter local atmospheric conditions. Observational studies on fire-atmosphere interactions have used instrumented towers to collect data during prescribed fires, but a few towers in an operational-scale burn plot (usually >103 m2) have made it extremely challenging to capture the myriad of factors controlling fire-atmosphere interactions, many of which exhibit strong spatial variability. Here, we present analyses of atmospheric turbulence data collected using a 4×4 array of fast-response sonic anemometers during a fire experiment on a 10m×10m burn plot. In addition to confirming some of the previous findings on atmospheric turbulence associated with low-intensity surface fires, our results revealed substantial heterogeneity in turbulent intensity and heat and momentum fluxes just above the combustion zone. Despite the small plot (100m2), fire-induced atmospheric turbulence exhibited strong dependence on the downwind distance from the initial line fire and the relative position specific to the fire front as the surface fire spread through the burn plot. This result highlights the necessity for coupled atmosphere-fire behavior models to have 1-2m grid spacing to resolve heterogeneities in fire-atmosphere interactions that operate on spatiotemporal scales relevant to atmospheric turbulence. The findings here have important implications for modeling smoke dispersion, as atmospheric dispersion characteristics in the vicinity of a wildland fire are directly affected by fire-induced turbulence.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1119-1142
Number of pages24
JournalAtmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 26 Jan 2024


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