Attitude and Peer Norm Predict How Students Use Lecture Recordings

Kasia Banas, Tobias Thejll-Madsen, Anita Tobar Henriquez, Eva Murzyn

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Abstract / Description of output

The impact of lecture recordings on university students’ learning often depends on whether the recordings are used as a substitute for attending live lectures (watching instead of attending; usually undesirable) or as a supplement to attending (watching in addition to attending; usually desirable). However, little is known about the predictors of how students use the recordings. This study examined the demographic and psychological variables associated with attending live lectures, and with the use of lecture recordings as a substitute or supplement. In particular, we characterised the students’ own opinions about attending live lectures and using lecture recordings (attitude), students’ beliefs about what their classmates thought about these behaviours (peer norm), and students’ beliefs about what their lecturers thought about these behaviours (lecturer norm). Using data gathered in a large introductory psychology course (n=212), we found that attending live lectures, using recordings as a supplement and using recordings as a substitute were all viewed favourably and perceived to be accepted by peers. The perception of lecturer norm was more nuanced, with substitution perceived as the least acceptable to lecturers. Generally, the more positive the students’ own attitude and the perceived peer norm towards engaging with lectures in a particular way (attending live, using recordings as a supplement, or using recordings as a substitute), the more likely students were to engage with lectures in that way. These findings suggest that attitudes and peer norms may be valuable targets for educational interventions in this area.
Original languageEnglish
Article number104933
Number of pages18
JournalComputers & Education
Early online date20 Sept 2023
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2023


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