Best Practice Recommendations for the Safe use of Lung Ultrasound

Frank Wolfram, Douglas Miller, Libertario Demi, Prashant Verma, Carmel M Moran, Marcel Walther, Gebhard Mathis, Helmut Prosch, Christian Kollmann, Klaus-vitold Jenderka

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Abstract / Description of output

The safety of ultrasound is of particular importance when examining the lungs, due to specific bioeffects occurring at the
alveolar air-tissue interface. Lung is significantly more sensitive than solid tissue to mechanical stress. The causal biological
effects due to the total reflection of sound waves have also not been investigated comprehensively.
On the other hand, the clinical benefit of lung ultrasound is outstanding. It has gained considerable importance during the
pandemic situation, showing comparable diagnostic value with other radiological imaging modalities.
Therefore, based on currently available literature, this work was dedicated determining possible ultrasound effects on the lung
parenchyma and evaluating existing recommendations for acoustic output power limits when performing lung sonography.
This work recommends a stepwise approach to obtain clinically relevant images while ensuring lung ultrasound safety. A
special focus was set on the safety of new ultrasound modalities, which had not yet been introduced at the time of previous
Original languageEnglish
JournalEuropean Journal of Ultrasound
Early online date14 Nov 2022
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 14 Nov 2022


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