Bosanski pluralizam u urbanom okruženju: međureligijski odnosi i vjerska tolerancija kroz leće osmanlijskih esnafa: Dio Izložbe 'Pod nebom vedre vjere – Islam i Evropa u iskustvu Bosne'

Translated title of the contribution: Bosnian pluralism in the urban setting: interfaith relations and religious tolerance through the lens of the Ottoman trade-guilds: Part of Exhibition 'Under the sky of cheerful faith – Islam and Europe in the Bosnian experience'

Research output: Other contribution

Translated title of the contributionBosnian pluralism in the urban setting: interfaith relations and religious tolerance through the lens of the Ottoman trade-guilds: Part of Exhibition 'Under the sky of cheerful faith – Islam and Europe in the Bosnian experience'
Original languageBosnian
TypeWeb article
Media of outputWeb
Place of PublicationWeb
Publication statusPublished - 19 May 2022

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