Centromere Localization and Function of Mis18 Requires 'Yippee-like' Domain-Mediated Oligomerization: Crystal Structure of Mis18 ‘Yippee-like’ Domain

Lakxmi Subramanian, Bethan Medina-Pritchard, Rachael Barton, Frances Spiller, Raghavendran Kulasegaran-Shylini, Guoda Radaviciute, Robin C. Allshire, JP Arulanandam

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Abstract / Description of output

Mis18 is a key regulator responsible for the centromere localization of the CENP-A chaperone Scm3 in S. pombe and HJURP in humans, which establishes CENP-A chromatin that defines centromeres. The molecular and structural determinants of Mis18 centromere targeting remain elusive. Here, by combining structural, biochemical and yeast genetic studies, we show that the oligomerization of S. pombe Mis18, mediated via its conserved N-terminal Yippee-like domain, is crucial for its centromere localization and function. The crystal structure of the N-terminal Yippeelike domain reveals a fold containing a cradle-shaped pocket that is implicated in protein/nucleic acid binding, which we show is required for Mis18 function. While the N-terminal Yippee-like domain forms a homodimer in vitro and in vivo, full length Mis18, including the C-terminal α-helical domain, forms a homotetramer in vitro. We also show that the Yippee-like domains of human Mis18α/Mis18β interact to form a heterodimer, implying a conserved structural theme for Mis18 regulation.
Original languageEnglish
JournalEMBO Reports
Early online date26 Feb 2016
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 26 Feb 2016

Keywords / Materials (for Non-textual outputs)

  • CENP-A
  • Centromere
  • Epigenetics
  • Mis18
  • Yippee


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