Cephalopod-inspired soft robots: design criteria and modelling frameworks

Francesco Giorgio-Serchi, Federico Renda, Cecilia Laschi

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

Abstract / Description of output

Cephalopods (i.e. octopuses and squids) are taken as a source of inspiration for the development of a new kind of underwater soft robot. These cephalopod-inspired, soft-bodied vehicles entail a hollow, elastic shell capable of performing a routine of recursive ingestion and expulsion of discrete slugs of fluids via the actual inflation and deflation of the elastic chamber. This routine allows the vehicle to propel itself in water in a very similar fashion to that of cephalopods. This mode of pulsed jetting enabled by the actual body shape variations can ideally benefit from the positive feedback provided by impulse-rich discontinuous jet formation and added mass recovery. This work is complemented by extensive modelling efforts which are meant to aid in the process of mechanical design optimization as well as providing an advanced tool for biomechanical studies of living cephalopods.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2015
Event7th International Symposium of Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines - Wong auditorium in the Tang Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, United States
Duration: 21 Jun 201525 Jun 2015
Conference number: 7


Conference7th International Symposium of Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines
Abbreviated titleAMAM 2015
Country/TerritoryUnited States
Internet address


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