Child Protection and Disability: Practical Challenges for Research

Deborah Fry, Patricia Lannen, Jennifer Vanderminden, Audrey Cameron, Tabitha Casey

Research output: Book/ReportBook


What are the child protection concerns for deaf and disabled children and young people? What are their views about the child protection system? How can we measure if we have made a difference in ending violence against children? These questions and others are at the forefront of policy, practice and research debates internationally. This book explores the ethical, methodological, and practical challenges in conducting child protection research with deaf and disabled children and young people. This edited volume draws upon examples of research and translating research to policy and practice from international leaders in both child protection and disability fields.As with other titles in this series the book is written for postgraduate students and academics from a range of disciplines, particularly in health, social care and education.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherDunedin Academic Press
Number of pages141
ISBN (Print)9781780460505
Publication statusPublished - 25 May 2017

Publication series

NameProtecting Children and Young People Series


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