Childhood neglect: Improving outcomes for children: The framework

Brigid Daniel, Julie Taylor, Jane Scott

Research output: Other contribution

Abstract / Description of output

This framework is to be used to plan and develop training courses in relation to childhood neglect. The training materials are designed to assist pratitioners from all key disciplines to develop the knowledge, skills and values required to work effectively as part of a network of support and protection for all children whose health and development is likely to be compromised by neglect. The materials have been informed in part by the findings of the Safeguarding Children Research Initiative that focused on neglect and emotional abuse and the overview report: Safeguarding Children Across Services: Messages from Research (Davies and Ward 2012). This resource is intended to complement existing training materials and programmes of relevance to neglect. Local Safeguarding Children Boards already run extensive programmes of inter-agency training and these materials can be used to develop courses that focus more specifically on neglect. The Department for Education includes additional resources, see link below.
Original languageEnglish
TypeThis framework is to be used to plan and develop training courses in relation to childhood neglect.
PublisherDepartment of Education
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 2011


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