Cobalt‐Catalysed, Ligand‐Controlled Regiodivergent Alkene Hydrosilylation

Jamie H. Docherty, Andrew P. Dominey, Stephen Thomas*

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Alkene hydrosilylation is amongst the largest industrial homogenous catalysis processes. Cobalt catalysis offers a sustainable alternative to commonly used platinum catalysts to achieve this transformation. Using two bisiminopyridine cobalt(II) catalysts the regiodivergent hydrosilylation of alkenes has been developed. Variation of pre-catalyst activator and ligand substituents were investigated and enabled the controlled, regiodivergent hydrosilylation of both aryl- and alkyl-substituted alkenes using phenylsilane. In contrast to other regiodivergence strategies, excellent regioselectivity for either isomer was achieved using the same ligand class but differing by a single methyl group (ethyl vs isopropyl).
Original languageEnglish
JournalAsian Journal of Organic Chemistry
Early online date27 Jul 2021
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 27 Jul 2021


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