Comedy in Iranian cinema

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)

Abstract / Description of output

Working at the intersection of religion and evershifting political, economic, and social environments, Iranian cinema has produced some of the most critically lauded films in the world today. The first volume in the Directory of World Cinema: Iran turned the spotlight on the award-winning cinema of Iran, with particular attention to the major genres and movements, historical turning points, and prominent figures that have helped shape it. Considering a wide range of genres, including Film Farsi, New Wave, war film, art house film, and women’s cinema, the book was greeted with enthusiasm by film studies scholars, students working on alternative or national cinema, and fans and aficianados of Iranian film.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDirectory of World Cinema
Subtitle of host publicationIran 2
EditorsParviz Jahed
Number of pages300
ISBN (Print)9781783204700
Publication statusPublished - 17 Jun 2017


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