Comparison of plate and shell timber-composite sandwich structures

Yousef Al-Qaryouti, Ye Wen, Dilum Fernando, Joseph M Gattas

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


The variety and relative ubiquity of automated workshop machines has led to a recent explosion in the design of digitally-fabricated structures. The range of materials used in these systems is immense, but timber, composites, and polymers are the most common, due to their high machinability and excellent structural characteristics. This study aims to compare two digital fabrication strategies for timber-composite sandwich structures. This first strategy produces modular plate components which form a kit-of-parts system that can assemble flexibly into a desired building envelope. It utilises orthogonal press-fit joints similar to that employed for previous digitally-fabricated structures, but with improved structural characteristics and long-term dimensional stability arising from use of a timber-composite hybrid material. The second strategy produces continuous shell components which can form any target curvilinear profile. It utilises newly-developed rotational press-fit joints, which self-stabilise under applied bending load. Material hybridity in this instance again enables improved structural and durability behaviours, with additional structural potential also possible via post-tensioning methods used to interlock the geometry.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of IASS Annual Symposia
Subtitle of host publicationIASS 2017 Hamburg Symposium: Timber Gridshells and Bio-based Structures
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 28 Sept 2017

Publication series

NameProceedings of IASS Annual Symposia
PublisherInternational Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS)
ISSN (Electronic)2518-6582


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