Covid-19 vaccine roll-out in England: A qualitative evaluation

Sandra Mounier-Jack*, Pauline Paterson, Sadie Bell, Louise Letley, Ben Kasstan, Tracey Chantler

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Abstract / Description of output

Background The UK was the first country to launch a national pandemic COVID-19 vaccination programme, which was implemented swiftly despite significant vaccine supply constraints. The delivery strategy used a combination of mass vaccination sites operated by NHS secondary care providers and local sites led by Primary Care Networks, and local pharmacies. Despite nation-wide rollout, persistent gaps in coverage continued to affect particular populations, including ethnic minority and marginalised social groups. Aim The study examined sub-national immunisation commissioners and providers' perspectives on how the COVID-19 vaccine programme was operationalised, and how delivery strategies impacted inequalities in access to vaccination services and uptake. The study aimed to inform national programme implementation, sustainability and future pandemic preparedness. Methods Qualitative research was conducted in eight local NHS areas in 4 regions of England. Semistructured interviews were performed with 82 sub-national NHS and public health vaccine providers and commissioners. Results England's COVID-19 vaccination programme was described as top down, centralised and highly political. The programme gradually morphed from a predominantly mass vaccination strategy into more locally driven and tailored approaches able to respond more effectively to inequalities in uptake. Over time more flexibility was introduced, as providers adapted services by "working around"the national systems for vaccine supply and appointment booking. The constant change faced by providers and commissioners was mitigated by high staff motivation and resilience, local collaboration and pragmatism. Opportunities for efficient implementation were missed because priority was given to achieving national performance targets at the expense of a more flexible sub-national tailored delivery. Conclusion Pandemic vaccination delivery models need to be adapted for underserved and hesitant groups, working in collaboration with local actors. Learnings from the initial COVID-19 vaccine roll-out in England and elsewhere is important to inform future pandemic responses, in tailoring strategies to local communities, and improve large-scale vaccination programmes.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere0286529
Pages (from-to)1-19
Number of pages19
Issue numberJune
Publication statusPublished - 2 Jun 2023


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