CQI-2 -- a new measure of holistic interpersonal care in primary care consultations

S.W. Mercer, J.G.R. Howie

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Abstract / Description of output

Background: The Consultation Quality Index (CQI) is a holistic quality marker for GPs based on patient enablement, continuity of the care and consultation length. lt;p/gt;Aim: To evaluate the CQI-2, a new version of the CQI incorporating a process measure of GP empathy (the Consultation and Relational Empathy Measure). lt;p/gt;Design of study: Cross-sectional questionnaire study. lt;p/gt;Setting: General practice in the west of Scotland. lt;p/gt;Method: Empathy, enablement, continuity, and consultation length were measured in 3044 consultations involving 26 GPs in 26 different practices in the west of Scotland. CQI-2 scores were calculated and correlated with additional data on GPs' and patients' attitudes. Comparisons were also made with the UK?wide data from which the original CQI had been calculated. lt;p/gt;Results: CQI-2 scores were independent of deprivation, access, demographics, and case-mix. GPs with lower CQI-2 scores valued empathy and longer consultations less than these GPs with higher CQI-2 scores. 'Below average CQI-2' GPs (those in the bottom 25 also felt less valued by patients and colleagues. Patients' showed less confidence in and gained less satisfaction from these doctors. Data ranges from the study were comparable with the UK data ranges used to construct the original CQI. lt;p/gt;Conclusions: The CQI-2 is a new measure of holistic interpersonal care. In a small but representative sample of GPs it appears to differentiate between below and above average doctors. CQI-2 scores may reflect important aspects of morale, core values and patient-centred care. There may be potential for its use as part of professional development and as a component of the general medical services contract.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)262-268
Number of pages7
JournalBritish Journal of General Practice
Issue number525
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2006


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