Projects per year
Original language | English |
Publisher | Centre for Research in Education Inclusion and Diversity (CREID), University of Edinburgh |
Publication status | Published - 1 Feb 2015 |
Keywords / Materials (for Non-textual outputs)
- higher education
- Scottish referendum on independence
- funding
- widening access
- 1 Finished
Higher Education in Scotland, the Devolution Settlement and the Referendum on Independence
Raffe, D., Croxford, L., Minty, S., Riddell, S., Weedon, E., Weedon, E., Whittaker, S. & Riddell, S.
1/03/13 → 31/07/14
Project: Research
CREID Briefing 35: Student Characteristics and Their Association with Cross-border Higher Education Mobility in the UK
Whittaker, S., 9 May 2017, Edinburgh: Centre for Research in Education Inclusion and Diversity (CREID), University of Edinburgh. 15 p.Research output: Book/Report › Commissioned report
CREID Briefing 36: Patterns and Destinations of Cross-border Higher Education Mobility in the UK
Whittaker, S., 9 May 2017, 16 p. Edinburgh : Centre for Research in Education Inclusion and Diversity (CREID), University of Edinburgh.Research output: Other contribution
Higher education students crossing internal UK borders: Student and country differences and their contribution to higher education inequalities
Whittaker, S., 2017Research output: Thesis › Doctoral Thesis
Peter Scott
Sheila Riddell (Host)
14 Feb 2017Activity: Hosting a visitor types › Hosting of external visitor (non-academic)
Cross-border HE flows between Wales and England: Issues of location, supply and student characteristics: Presentation to WISERD, Cardiff University
Susan Whittaker (Speaker)
6 Jan 2017Activity: Academic talk or presentation types › Invited talk
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 2016
Sheila Riddell (Invited speaker)
24 Aug 2016Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference